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The Blood Sugar-Hormone Connection

When labs show elevated blood sugar in a man, one thing I think of is: 

👉 Hormones. 

Here’s why: 

1️⃣Insulin is the hormone needed to allow sugar to enter our cells.

2️⃣When cells stop responding to insulin (insulin resistance), blood sugar rises.

3️⃣Insulin resistance is worsened by low testosterone in men.

Also, according to the American Diabetes Association, men with diabetes are twice as likely to have low testosterone levels.

Here are some things anyone can do right now to support blood sugar balance:

✔️ Choose water over sugary drinks

✔️ Eat protein and vegetables with every meal

✔️ Go for a short walk after eating

In functional medicine, we connect the dots to see the body as a whole. If you or somebody you love has been told your blood sugar levels are borderline or high, we’ll help you get to the root of the problem. 


Ottarsdottir K, Nilsson AG, Hellgren M, Lindblad U, Daka B. The association between serum testosterone and insulin resistance: a longitudinal study. Endocr Connect. 2018;7(12):1491-1500. [link

Also American Diabetes Association.