Elements Natural Medicine

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Want optimal brain health? Don’t skip this.

Fun fact! 

Sleep doesn’t only give you energy, boost your metabolism, and help with weight loss…

🔥 Sleep is essential for neuroplasticity 🔥

Neuro what? (you may be asking)

Neuroplasticity means that our brain cells have the ability to reorganize and create new connections—like rewiring. 

It’s how people recover function after a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, and it’s also how we train the brain for optimal function as we age 🧠

Research shows that during sleep, microglia become active in the brain, repairing damage, making new connections, and supporting neuroplasticity. 

💫Pretty awesome if you ask me. 

Are you interested in optimizing your brain function as you age? 

👉Just remember that sleep should be part of the strategy. 

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