Elements Natural Medicine

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We Weren't Designed for This:

Human beings are not designed to be in a constant state of stress.

Whether you’re always rushed for time….

Stuck in a pattern of worry…

Skipping meals…


Living on caffeine…

Or feeling unsafe in your surroundings.…

Your nervous system will pay the price.

The initial physiologic response to stress is activation of the sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight”).

The secondary response is cortisol production.

One role of cortisol is to keep inflammation in check, but when our stress response is repeatedly triggered, it can become dysregulated and allow inflammation to go unchecked.

👉🏽 That means nervous system regulation is an essential step in addressing any condition driven by chronic inflammation.

Slow down.



These things signal the body that it is safe to heal.

Stay tuned because I have a series of posts coming up with tips to support your nervous system 🙌🏽

#elementsnatmed #nervoussystem #dysregulatednervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #naturalmedicine