Food & Your Nervous System

A dysregulated nervous system can make it hard to heal your gut, hormones, metabolism, or just about any chronic condition.

You can work on regulating your nervous system with breathwork, movement, and meditation…

But what about food?

Let’s take a look:

➡️ Protein

Protein provides amino acids that are the building blocks for neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are necessary for emotional regulation.

➡️ Fats

Fats are the main structural component of nerve cell membranes and therefore critical for communication throughout the nervous system.

➡️ Sugars

Blood sugar swings trigger a physiologic stress response and activation of the sympathetic nervous system, putting your nervous system on edge.

➡️ Alcohol

Alcohol gives an initial sensation of calm, but it also triggers production of the stress hormone cortisol, which can dysregulate the nervous system over time.

➡️ Caffeine

Caffeine activates the sympathetic nervous system, meaning that too much caffeine or caffeine too late in the day can leave your nervous system frazzled and on edge.

The bottom line?

We cannot expect our nervous systems to stay regulated and resilient without also being conscious of what we are putting into our mouths.

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