3 Thyroid Pitfalls

To optimize your thyroid health, ❌ STOP doing these 3 things:

❌ Stop over-exercising

❌ Stop under-eating

❌ Stop over-caffeinating

Do you know why?

Because all of these things are perceived by your body as 💥stress💥

That means they trigger your adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which causes T4 to convert more into reverse T3 (inactive) and less into active T3 👎

I get it—anybody struggling with thyroid concerns knows that you can be tempted to do all of these things just to try to combat the energy drain or weight gain.

But what if instead…

You could calm inflammation and address underlying issues related to thyroid health (like toxins, infections, or nutrient deficiencies) so you could feel good without these temptations?

That’s what I help my patients do.

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