
Heavy Metals Found in Dark Chocolate [new study]

😫😫😫I can’t believe I have to tell you this. 

Consumer Reports has just found dangerous levels of lead and cadmium in dark chocolate from Endangered Species, Chocolove, Theo, Trader Joe’s, and other popular brands 🍫

➡️ Of the 28 chocolate bars tested, ALL of them contained both lead and cadmium. 

➡️ 23 of the bars had heavy metal levels high enough to put an adult over the safety limit by eating just ONE OUNCE a day. 

This is soul-crushing because dark chocolate is low in sugar and high in antioxidants, making it an otherwise health-promoting treat 💞

⚠️ But lead can affect brain development in children and cause nervous system problems, high blood pressure, reproductive issues, and many other health issues in adults. 

You might be wondering—why the focus is on dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate?

It’s because the heavy metals concentrate in the cocoa solids, which are more concentrated in dark chocolate and also the part responsible for its health benefits. 

So here are some things we can do:

1️⃣ Be extra cautious about dark chocolate for children, pregnant women, and others who might be more susceptible to the effects of heavy metals. 

2️⃣ Eat dark chocolate as a treat rather than an everyday staple item. Think about your overall dark chocolate consumption over time. 

3️⃣ Choose brands that have lower levels of heavy metals. According to the Consumer Reports, some of the safer brands were Ghirardelli, Valrhona, Mast, and Taza Chocolate. 

