
Hidden Threats to the Thyroid

If you want to optimize thyroid function, avoid these ➡️

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals that mess with our hormonal systems, including the thyroid gland.

Specific chemicals that are known to disrupt the thyroid are:

🥤 BPA (in plastics)

🧴 Phthalates (in personal care products)

🐟 PCBs (in seafood)

🛋️ PBDBs (flame retardants in furniture & carpets)

Studies show 📚 that some of these chemicals disrupt thyroid hormone production, while others interfere with thyroid hormone transport or receptors.

You can see from this list that these chemicals are everywhere in our daily lives 👎

Still, we can minimize our exposure by choosing foods not packaged in plastics, clean personal care products, and safer seafood.

This is why our holistic approach to thyroid health not only looks at nutrition and how different body systems interact—but also at how we can reduce the body burden of chemicals and environmental toxins.


Sokal A, Jarmakiewicz-Czaja S, Tabarkiewicz J, Filip R. Dietary Intake of Endocrine Disrupting Substances Presents in Environment and Their Impact on Thyroid Function. Nutrients. 2021;13(3):867. [link]

Testosterone & Toxins: What’s the Deal?

Why are testosterone levels tanking?

Low testosterone levels in men correlate with:

▪️Low energy

▪️Weight gain

▪️Low libido


▪️And more.

We know that testosterone levels decline with age, but there’s also evidence that testosterone levels have declined over the years—meaning that a 60-year old man today is likely to have lower testosterone levels than a 60-year old man did 20 years ago. 

Levels have even declined in teens and young adult men 😬


Nobody knows for sure, but hormone-disrupting chemicals could be to blame ☠️

Many chemicals that men are exposed to every day are “xenoestrogens,” meaning they mimic estrogen and disrupt hormonal balance. For example: 

🔹 BPA in plastics 🔹 parabens in lotions 🔹 phthalates in shampoos

If men only focus on testosterone, they could miss the most important piece of the puzzle for lifelong health. 

Here are some ways to minimize exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals:

✔️ Store food in glass instead of plastic 

✔️ Drink out of glass or stainless steel instead of plastic

✔️ Cook in stainless steel rather than non-stick pans

✔️ Avoid air fresheners and artificial fragrances

✔️ Read ingredients on personal care products to avoid anything that resembles “-paraben,” or “-phthalate,” or “fragrance”

We take all of these variables into account when working with men to achieve hormonal balance, weight loss, healthy aging, and energy, and well-being. 

Want to feel better? 


Cariati F, D'Uonno N, Borrillo F, Iervolino S, Galdiero G, Tomaiuolo R. "Bisphenol a: an emerging threat to male fertility". Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2019;17(1):6. [link]

Lokeshwar SD, Patel P, Fantus RJ, et al. Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA. Eur Urol Focus. 2021;7(4):886-889. [link]

Travison TG, Araujo AB, O'Donnell AB, Kupelian V, McKinlay JB. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(1):196-202. [link]

Woodward MJ, Obsekov V, Jacobson MH, Kahn LG, Trasande L. Phthalates and Sex Steroid Hormones Among Men From NHANES, 2013-2016. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105(4):e1225-e1234. [link]

Heavy Metals Found in Dark Chocolate [new study]

😫😫😫I can’t believe I have to tell you this. 

Consumer Reports has just found dangerous levels of lead and cadmium in dark chocolate from Endangered Species, Chocolove, Theo, Trader Joe’s, and other popular brands 🍫

➡️ Of the 28 chocolate bars tested, ALL of them contained both lead and cadmium. 

➡️ 23 of the bars had heavy metal levels high enough to put an adult over the safety limit by eating just ONE OUNCE a day. 

This is soul-crushing because dark chocolate is low in sugar and high in antioxidants, making it an otherwise health-promoting treat 💞

⚠️ But lead can affect brain development in children and cause nervous system problems, high blood pressure, reproductive issues, and many other health issues in adults. 

You might be wondering—why the focus is on dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate?

It’s because the heavy metals concentrate in the cocoa solids, which are more concentrated in dark chocolate and also the part responsible for its health benefits. 

So here are some things we can do:

1️⃣ Be extra cautious about dark chocolate for children, pregnant women, and others who might be more susceptible to the effects of heavy metals. 

2️⃣ Eat dark chocolate as a treat rather than an everyday staple item. Think about your overall dark chocolate consumption over time. 

3️⃣ Choose brands that have lower levels of heavy metals. According to the Consumer Reports, some of the safer brands were Ghirardelli, Valrhona, Mast, and Taza Chocolate. 



[New Study] Synthetic Chemicals Found in Most Food Samples

☠️ A new study finds synthetic chemicals in most foods ☠️ 

Here are the details:

🍝 393 food samples from the UK were tested for 8 different organophosphates (chemicals used in flame retardants, furnishings, and other products). 

🥚 The chemicals triphenyl phosphate (TPHP) and 2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate (EHDPP) were found in ALL food samples except eggs. 

🥤 It was estimated that beverages were the main contributor of organophosphates in children’s diets (27%), and cereal products and fruits were the main contributors in adults. 

⚠️ Exposure amounts were estimated to fall below levels considered dangerous to adults, but frighteningly close for some categories in toddlers and children (as high as 88% of the exposure limit in children for EHDPP). 

🌎 This study reports that the level of chemicals found in the UK foods is similar to levels found in other countries. 

But what can we do? 

It’s tricky as a consumer, but we can do our best to purchase organic and unprocessed foods—and grow our own whenever possible! 

The less exposure to food that comes from factories the better. 

It’s also a great reminder of how important it is to support our body’s in detoxification every day! 

💦 Drink plenty of water

🚴‍♂️ Exercise and sweat

🥦 Load up on fiber and antioxidants

We don’t have control over everything, but we always have control over something 😊


Gbadamosi, M. R., Abdallah, M. A., & Harrad, S. (2022). Organophosphate esters in UK diet; exposure and risk assessment. Sci Total Environ, 158368. [link]