Elements Natural Medicine

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Can You Name Your 5 Microbiomes?

You’ve heard of the gut microbiome, right?

It’s those trillions of microorganisms inhabiting the gut that keep our digestion and immune systems happy. 

But guess what?

That’s not the only microbiome in the human body! 

We actually have 5 microbiomes:

▪️ Gut 

▪️ Skin 

▪️ Oral 

▪️ Vaginal 

▪️ Respiratory 

Each of these has their own distinct composition of microorganisms to keep us healthy and balanced. 

And that means that all of these systems ☝️can be affected by things we do to support or disrupt our microbiome.

I’ll be sharing more posts soon all about the microbiome and tips on how to optimize yours for better health. 

Be sure to like this post ❤️ and follow along for more!


Gupta VK, Paul S, Dutta C. Geography, Ethnicity or Subsistence-Specific Variations in Human Microbiome Composition and Diversity. Front Microbiol. 2017;8:1162. Published 2017 Jun 23. [link]