
“Is This a Good Supplement?”

“Is this a good supplement?”

If I could have a dollar for every time I’ve heard that one…💸

Seriously, so many people come to me with a bag of supplements they’ve accumulated because their best friend, aunt, or favorite podcast host recommended them. 🙃

Most are a waste of money.

This post isn’t to sell you supplements or to recommend anything specific. (We reserve that service for our clients.)

What this post IS for is to educate you on supplement quality and what to look for on labels.

1️⃣Look for third-party certifications.

Check for labels like NSF Certified or USP Verified, which ensure the product has been tested for purity and potency. These certifications mean what’s on the label is actually in the bottle—something you cannot always count on with all supplements!

2️⃣ Choose bioavailable forms.

Every vitamin and mineral has specific forms listed on the label. The better forms are easier for your body to absorb and use.

✨For vitamin B12, look for methylcobalamin (not cyanocobalamin).

✨For folate, look for methylfolate (rather than the synthetic folic acid).

✨Chelated minerals (like magnesium glycinate) are typically better absorbed than mineral salts.

3️⃣ Avoid fillers, dyes, and additives.

The shorter the list of “other ingredients” the better.

But most important?

Just because a supplement helped your friend or neighbor does not mean it will help you.

Your nutrient needs are unique to you.

👉🏽 We can help you figure out what your body truly needs and create a tailored plan that delivers the most benefits with the fewest pills.

Schedule an initial visit with Dr. Cantrell to get started with your personalized healthcare protocol! 🔗

#elementnatmed #supplements #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #plantbasedsupplements #customhealthcare #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine

Feeling Tired, Moody, or Just Off? 🤔

Feeling tired, moody, or off? 🤔

Read this ⬇️ for 5 common nutrient deficiencies and how they show up.

Modern food systems, lifestyle habits, and even stress can deplete nutrients from our bodies.

Plus, things like gut health or medications can interfere with how we absorb the nutrients we eat.

For example:


Magnesium is known as the ‘great relaxer,’ but nearly 50% of people don’t get enough.

Low magnesium can contribute to muscle cramps, anxiety, or restless nights.

✨ Vitamin B12

Needed for energy and brain health, those following a vegan diet or with gut health issues are at risk of low levels.

Low vitamin B12 can contribute to fatigue, numbness, or memory problems.

✨ Iron

Iron carries oxygen through your blood. It can be depleted by heavy or frequent periods.

Low iron can cause anemia, leaving you pale, tired, or short of breath.

✨Vitamin D

Although your body can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunshine ☀️, low levels are common.

Low vitamin D can contribute to thinning bones, compromised immune function, and low mood.


Zinc is needed for immune health and wound healing.

Low zinc can show up as frequent colds, slow healing, or even changes in taste or smell.

So, what’s next?

These are just a few examples of how nutrient deficiencies can impact your health. But everyone’s needs are different.

That’s why we take a personalized approach 🙌🏽

With advanced labs and individualized guidance, we help uncover what’s missing so you can feel your best.

Ready to get started? Schedule a new patient visit with Dr. Cantrell!

Are You Making These Heart Health Mistakes?

Sometimes what seems healthy might not be helping. Here are 3 common heart health mistakes:

1️⃣ Only Doing Cardio

Cardio is great, but mix it up! Strength training boosts blood sugar control, and high-intensity bursts are linked to better heart health.

2️⃣ Low-Fat Diet

Low-fat diets aren’t the answer. Healthy fats (like avocado and olive oil) fight inflammation and support cholesterol levels. Plus, “low-fat” foods are often packed with extra sugar.

3️⃣ Stressing Out

Stress is not a badge of honor. It triggers cortisol release and can raise blood pressure over time.

Want better ways to support heart health?

✨ Mix up your workouts with strength, cardio, and HIIT

✨ Add heart-loving fats like avocado and salmon

✨ Find ways to de-stress and prioritize sleep

How do you support your heart health?

3 Nutrients Your Heart Will L🩷VE!

You’ve heard about fiber and omega-3s, but what about these hidden gems for your heart?

🩷 Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 acts like a traffic controller for calcium. It helps direct calcium to where it belongs—your bones—reducing the risk of arterial calcification.. Food sources: Fermented foods (especially natto), hard cheeses, and egg yolks.

🩷 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Your heart works 24/7, and CoQ10 is essential for keeping it energized. It powers your heart cells and protects them from oxidative damage. It’s especially important for anyone taking statins, as these medications can lower CoQ10 levels. Food sources: Fatty fish and organ meats.

🩷 Magnesium

Known as “the great relaxer,” magnesium supports heart health by relaxing blood vessels and maintaining healthy blood pressure. Food sources: Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate.

While you can get these nutrients from food, supplements can sometimes fill in the gaps. But supplements aren’t one-size-fits-all—they can interact with medications or other nutrients. That’s why working with a qualified practitioner is so important.

Curious about working with us to optimize your nutrition and supplements?

We look at your unique health history, risk factors, and lab results to create a supplement protocol tailored just for you.

Visit our website to schedule your initial visit with Dr. Cantrell! Let's get started!

#elementsnatmed #hearthealth #heartfactsforwomen #cardiachealth #heartmonth #colga #naturalmedicine

Wired but Tired?

Ever get to the end of the day and just crash?

Or maybe you feel “wired but tired”—as if your nervous system is ramped up and yet you have nothing left to give.

The problem *might* be that you aren’t giving your nervous system any chance to rest and reset throughout the day.

I get it!

Society expects us to be going non-stop.

It’s just that our bodies (and especially our nervous systems) were not built for that.

One of the best ways to support nervous system regulation is to build in periods of intentional rest to your day.

This can look different for different people.

You might:

✨ get up from your desk every hour to stretch

✨ set reminders to close your eyes for two minutes and breathe

✨ allow 5 extra minutes on your lunch break to sit in your car and listen to music

The point is to schedule rest breaks into your day.

These breaks act like a reset button for your nervous system so that you won’t feel so fried at the end of the day.

Have you tried this? What’s your experience?