
❤️ Heart Facts for Women ❤️

February is HEART health month!

Did you know that heart health research has only recently started focusing on the unique differences between men and women?

Let’s break this down:

❤️ Heart disease is the #1 killer of women worldwide.

Yes, the leading cause of death—even in high-income countries like the US. This statistic spans race and ethnicity, which means it’s something we all need to pay attention to.

❤️ Menopause dramatically impacts heart risk.

Estrogen naturally protects the heart. That’s why, if two women are the same age, the postmenopausal woman’s risk of a cardiovascular event is double that of the premenopausal woman. And those hot flashes and night sweats? They’ve been specifically linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure.

❤️ Women have other unique heart health risk factors.

Conditions like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, PCOS, and endometriosis can increase heart disease risks. These are challenges male bodies never deal with.

❤️ Heart symptoms are often misdiagnosed in women.

Studies show women with heart disease symptoms are twice as likely as men to be told that it’s just ‘stress’ or ‘anxiety.’

❤️ Heart attacks present differently in women.

Sure, chest pain is common, but women often experience less obvious symptoms like pain in the neck, jaw, throat, arm, or back—plus dizziness, nausea, heartburn, or sheer exhaustion.

Save this post! Knowing these facts could literally save a life.

Drop a ❤️ in the comments if you learned something in this post—or send it to a friend to spread the word.

Your Nervous system is BEGGING for these nutrients!

A regulated nervous system is essential for sleep, mood, hormones, metabolism, gut health, and more.

But your nervous system cannot stay regulated without nutrition—and especially these 3 key nutrients:


Magnesium is a cofactor needed to synthesize several neurotransmitters, including serotonin and GABA. It also has a calming effect on the nerves and muscles throughout the body. Good food sources are leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and chocolate!

2️⃣B Vitamins

Vitamin B6 supports production of serotonin, and vitamin B12 is needed to support the protective covering around nerve cells. Other B vitamins participate in energy metabolism, providing essential energy for nerve cells. Good food sources are animal products and fortified foods.


Choline is a building block for acetylcholine—the primary chemical messenger of the parasympathetic nervous system. The most common food source of choline is egg yolks. Liver is another excellent source!

Think about the foods you eat on a daily basis, and check your supplements to see if you are fueling your nervous system.

As always, if you want more support, visit our website to schedule an appointment! 🌱

#elementsnatmed #naturalmedicine #nervoussystem #nervoussystemsupport #nutrients #colga

Wired but Tired?

Ever get to the end of the day and just crash?

Or maybe you feel “wired but tired”—as if your nervous system is ramped up and yet you have nothing left to give.

The problem *might* be that you aren’t giving your nervous system any chance to rest and reset throughout the day.

I get it!

Society expects us to be going non-stop.

It’s just that our bodies (and especially our nervous systems) were not built for that.

One of the best ways to support nervous system regulation is to build in periods of intentional rest to your day.

This can look different for different people.

You might:

✨ get up from your desk every hour to stretch

✨ set reminders to close your eyes for two minutes and breathe

✨ allow 5 extra minutes on your lunch break to sit in your car and listen to music

The point is to schedule rest breaks into your day.

These breaks act like a reset button for your nervous system so that you won’t feel so fried at the end of the day.

Have you tried this? What’s your experience?

The Goal is Not to Always Feel Calm...

Having a regulated nervous system does not mean you will feel calm all the time.

What it means is that your nervous system can respond to any given situation in a healthy way:

To be resilient.

When your nervous system is regulated and resilient, you’re able to:

✨ experience emotions without letting them take over your life

✨ notice when you feel stressed and come back to center

✨ rest without feeling like you need to justify it

Not only that, but the nervous system connects your brain to every organ of your body.

So with a regulated nervous system, it becomes easier to heal your:

✨ gut

✨ skin

✨ hormones

✨ metabolism

✨ mood & more

In functional medicine, we are always looking for the root cause and removing obstacles getting in the way of healing.

Nervous system dysregulation can be one of those obstacles.

Like this post ❤️ if you want to be sure to see more on strategies to support your nervous system!

We Weren't Designed for This:

Human beings are not designed to be in a constant state of stress.

Whether you’re always rushed for time….

Stuck in a pattern of worry…

Skipping meals…


Living on caffeine…

Or feeling unsafe in your surroundings.…

Your nervous system will pay the price.

The initial physiologic response to stress is activation of the sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight”).

The secondary response is cortisol production.

One role of cortisol is to keep inflammation in check, but when our stress response is repeatedly triggered, it can become dysregulated and allow inflammation to go unchecked.

👉🏽 That means nervous system regulation is an essential step in addressing any condition driven by chronic inflammation.

Slow down.



These things signal the body that it is safe to heal.

Stay tuned because I have a series of posts coming up with tips to support your nervous system 🙌🏽

#elementsnatmed #nervoussystem #dysregulatednervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #naturalmedicine