
The Scoop On Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are becoming more and more popular, but do you know which type is best to take?

Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissue of the body—including the skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles, and joints. It’s naturally produced in the body, but collagen production slows with age. 

That’s why people are turning to collagen supplements to support their skin, hair, joints, and bones as they get older. 

Let’s look at 5 forms of collagen supplements

1️⃣ Type I Collagen

Type I collagen is the most abundant protein found in humans and an essential building block of skin💋 

2️⃣ Type II Collagen 

Type II collagen is the main type found in cartiliage, making it necessary for joint health🏃 

3️⃣ Type III Collagen

Type III collagen works synergistically with type I to support skin health and is also needed to strengthen bones🦴  


4️⃣ Type V Collagen

Type V collagen works synergistically with type II to support joints and is also concentrated in the hair👩‍🦰 

5️⃣ Collagen Peptides (Hydrolyzed)

When a collagen product says it’s hydrolyzed, that means the protein has been broken down into smaller peptides for better digestive absorption. This also makes them easy to dissolve in liquids☕ 

So, the best type of collagen for you depends on your health goals. Plus, many products come as a mixture of collagen types. 


💊 Collagen supplements can be taken as powders, capsules, or liquids. You can dissolve collagen powder in cold or hot beverages (even your morning coffee) or mix it into foods like yogurt or oatmeal. 

Drop me a comment if you’re already taking it! ⤵️ 

Understanding Risk Factors for Dementia

🧠 Dementia. 

It’s one of the most tragic and terrifying things to witness in others and something nobody ever wishes to face themselves. 

While there are some risk factors we cannot control (like age and genetics), there are others that we CAN. 

📋 Now we have a new study showing that dementia risk increases from eating a diet high in processed foods.

Let’s look at the details. 

The study looked at data from more than 72,000 adults over the age of 55 in the United Kingdom. None had dementia at the start of the study, and they were followed for 10 years. 

🔹 Ultra-processed foods made up 9% of the diet in the lowest group and 28% of the diet in the highest group. 

🔹 For every 10% increase in daily intake of processed foods, there was a 25% higher risk of dementia.

🔹 Replacing 50 grams of processed foods with 50 grams of unprocessed foods (like an apple or a serving of corn) reduced dementia risk by 3%.

This was an observational study, which means it does not prove that processed foods cause dementia. It only shows there is an association between the two. 


🍎 What do you have to lose by replacing a can of soda with a piece of fresh fruit?

5 Supplements for Healthy Aging

We all know that to age healthy we need to eat well, exercise, and manage stress, but…

…nutritional supplements can give an added boost of support!

Here are 5 top supplements to support healthy aging:

💊 Curcumin

Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric. It supports a healthy inflammatory response and interacts with many cellular pathways related to aging. 

💊 Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in red wine and the skin of red grapes. It helps neutralize free radical damage and supports cardiovascular health with age. 

💊 Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

NMN is a precursor molecule that converts to NAD+. NAD+ is a coenzyme that’s essential for cellular energy production and DNA repair—processes that are closely associated with aging.  

💊 Collagen

Collagen is a structural protein in our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels. Collagen production slows down with age, contributing to common signs of aging. 

💊 Omega-3s

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that support a healthy inflammatory response, potentially combatting the phenomenon known as “inflammaging.”

This wraps up my post series on healthy aging, and here’s what I hope you take away:

✨We cannot stop the clock, but we can always take action to create a healthier future for ourselves✨ 

Drop me a quick comment below—what is something you do every day to make sure your future years are the best yet? ⤵️

5 Things That Make You Age Faster

Hoping to keep your youthful skin, flexible joints, and sharp mind even as the years pass by?

One of the best ways to age gracefully is to avoid the things that make you age FASTER. 

Like these top 5: 

1️⃣ Smoking

Smoking cigarettes increases free radicals and MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases), which cause the degradation of collagen and elastin—leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. 

2️⃣ Excess Sun 

Overexposure to UV rays is a major cause of free radical damage to the skin and the telltale signs of aging—including wrinkles, blotchiness, and age spots. 

3️⃣ Lack of Sleep

A UCLA study found that a single night of partial sleep deprivation activated genes related to biological aging. Lack of sleep can contribute to inflammation, memory loss, and mood changes with age. 


4️⃣ Being Sedentary

Movement and exercise are critical for fending off age-related declines in bone density and muscle mass. Exercise also supports heart health, brain function, better sleep, and more. 

5️⃣ Stress!!!!!

Stress interacts with many of the mechanisms of aging—including blood sugar regulation, inflammation, hormonal changes, and shortening of telomeres. 

I have one more post coming your way in this series on healthy aging. I’ll let you in on my favorite supplements to keep you looking and feeling your best with age. 

See you then!

7 Theories of Aging You Can Act Upon

Whether you’re more concerned about the fine lines, memory lapses, or sexual function…

…we can’t do anything about the aging process unless we understand WHY and HOW it is happening. 

So let’s take a look at 7 theories of aging:

1️⃣ Free Radicals

Free radicals create oxidative stress to damage cellular DNA. They increase with exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollution, and unhealthy foods. 

What can we do? Loading up on antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, herbs, and supplements.  

2️⃣ “Inflammaging”

Changes in the immune system can shift the body into a state of low-grade and chronic inflammation, also called “inflammaging.”

What can we do? Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise, and minimize stress. 

3️⃣ Protein Cross-Linking

Protein cross-linking happens when sugar forms a chemical bond with proteins. It leads to stiffening of the blood vessels, stiffening of the joints, loss of skin elasticity, and other signs of aging. 

What can we do? Keep blood sugars stable and minimize sugary food and drinks. 

4️⃣ Heat Shock Proteins

Heat shock proteins protect cells from damage under stressful conditions, but they decrease with age.

What can we do? Anything the body perceives to be mildly stressful, like exercise, cold showers, and fasting. 

5️⃣ Telomeres

Telomeres are sections of DNA at the end of each chromosome that protect it from unraveling. Scientists consider shortening telomeres to be a hallmark of aging. 

What can we do? Eat a plant-rich diet, exercise, and minimize stress. 

6️⃣Stem Cells

Adult stem cells help old and damaged tissues regenerate by replacing damaged cells. But their ability to do so declines with age.   

What can we do? Cell-based therapies are an emerging area of regenerative medicine.


From declining levels of growth hormone to all the changes associated with menopause and andropause, hormones can contribute to many of the signs of aging. 

What can we do? Hormone replacement is an option but should be considered only under the supervision of a healthcare professional. 

Stay tuned because I have 2 more posts coming your way—with practical strategies to support healthy and happy aging!