
When Worry Gets in the Way of Sleep...

Too anxious to sleep?

People struggle with sleep for all different reasons, but if you’re one who can’t stop the thoughts and the worries, this post is for you.

💞 If this is you, let me know in the comments 💞

Here’s the thing:

Our minds respond to PHYSICAL inputs (like nutrients & foods) and also MENTAL inputs (like journaling, taking a bath, or other bedtime routines).

I love *chamomile tea* because it sends the body both of these types of signals.

✅ Chamomile has long been used in herbal traditions to calm the nervous system and support relaxation.

✅ Taking the time to sit and sip a cup of tea sends a message to the brain that it’s time to transition to calm.

Chamomile is generally safe except in the case of allergies. It’s in the same plant family as ragweed, which is a common allergen so be aware.

What do you think? Will you try it?