
[New Study] Night Owls at Higher Risk of Insulin Resistance

🤔 Would you consider yourself a night owl or an early bird? 

Turns out it might affect your metabolism.  

A new study shows that people with metabolic syndrome who tend to stay up late and sleep late (any night owls out there?) have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 


The difference relates to a topic I’ve recently shared about—

⚠️ Insulin Resistance ⚠️

Here’s how the study went:

👫 51 participants with metabolic syndrome were monitored for a week for their activity patterns over the day. 

🥗 They all ate the same diet, controlled for nutrition and calories. 

🐥 Results showed that early birds burned more fat for energy (both while exercising and at rest) and had better insulin sensitivity. 

🦉 Night owls’ bodies favored carbohydrates as a fuel source and were more insulin resistant. 

This study involved people who already had metabolic syndrome, so we don’t know if it also applies to healthy people. 

Still. Knowing this link between staying up late and insulin resistance is one thing. But what can we do about it? 

Do you believe that it’s possible for night owls to become early birds? 🤷‍♀️


Malin, S. K., Remchak, M. E., Smith, A. J., Ragland, T. J., Heiston, E. M., & Cheema, U. (2022). Early chronotype with metabolic syndrome favours resting and exercise fat oxidation in relation to insulin-stimulated non-oxidative glucose disposal. Exp Physiol. [link]

Did You Know Insulin Resistance is Reversible?

✨ Insulin resistance is reversible ✨

Insulin resistance means that the cells in the body have become less responsive to insulin, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels. 

If left unchecked, insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. 

That’s why it’s critical to take insulin resistance seriously. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help to reverse insulin resistance. 

Did you ever think of numbers 3 or 4?

1️⃣ Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese is associated with multiple changes in the body (including inflammation and leptin resistance) that contribute to or worsen insulin resistance. Studies show that weight loss is one of the best ways to reverse insulin resistance. 

2️⃣ Exercise

Exercise not only burns energy in the moment to help regulate blood sugar levels but also builds muscle. Muscle cells more effectively burn sugar than fat cells, even at rest. Exercise is essential to reversing insulin resistance. 

3️⃣ Sleep

Didn’t think of this one, did you? Sleep deprivation is a risk factor for increased blood sugar levels, and even one night of a lack of sleep can worsen insulin resistance. 

4️⃣ Clean Living

Minimizing your exposure to toxins supports cellular health! Some pesticides increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and many synthetic chemicals are known to be endocrine disruptors that may contribute to insulin resistance. 

5️⃣ Eat for Blood Sugar Balance

The foods you eat have a dramatic effect on blood sugar levels. You can slow the digestion and absorption of sugars from your food by combining carbohydrates with fats, fiber, and protein. 

I’d love to know if you or somebody you know has taken action to reverse insulin resistance. Drop me a quick comment below ⤵️