
Growth vs. Fixed: Where Do You Land?

Here’s the difference: 

🔹 People with a growth mindset believe they can change. They embrace challenges. They see failure as an opportunity to learn. 

🔹 People with a fixed mindset believe they are innately good at something or not. Smart or not. They may be hesitant to try new things for fear of failure. 

Truth is—like with all mindsets—that we all fall somewhere along the continuum. 

But when it comes to health, I see many benefits of embracing a growth mindset ↗️

When we believe our bodies and brains can change, we are more motivated to better ourselves, whether that’s through what we eat, how we move, or choices we make. 

These mindsets were first researched and described by Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck. 

She found that mindset translates to performance. 

Mindset work is subtle and may seem less powerful than something like changing your diet. 

But our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do. 

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