Could It Be Your Thyroid?

Warning Signs of Thyroid Imbalance ⬇️

But first some basics:

Your thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck that regulates metabolism (how your body uses energy) but also influences….

▪️ Metabolic rate

▪️ Heart rate

▪️ Blood pressure

▪️ Body temperature

▪️ Gut motility

▪️ Mental function

▪️ Mood

▪️ Menstruation

▪️ Fertility

Signs of an *overactive* thyroid include feeling anxious or irritable, difficulty sleeping, racing heart, shaking hands, clammy skin, sensitivity to heat, unexplained weight loss (or gain), or irregular periods.

Signs of an *underactive* thyroid include feeling tired all the time, mood swings, brain fog, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, constipation, sensitivity to cold, unexplained weight gain, or heavy periods.

The only way to know how your thyroid is functioning is to TEST.

Still, thyroid imbalances are sometimes missed by routine screenings, and even when labs are brought into the normal range, I often see patients who still do not feel well.

Watch for my upcoming post all about how functional medicine can help you understand, address, and optimize thyroid function 🙌

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