Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

Which will it be?

If you’re trying to incorporate gut-healthy habits but are confused about probiotics & prebiotics, here’s the scoop.

*Probiotics* are live microorganisms that are meant to help maintain the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome. *Prebiotics* are dietary fibers that act as food for those beneficial bacteria.

Both can come in the form of either foods or supplements.

Probiotic supplements deliver microorganisms like Acidophilus of Bifidobacteria, whereas prebiotic supplements deliver fibers like inulin, arabinogalactan, or fructooligosaccharides.

👉👉Please be aware that even though probiotics and prebiotics are generally considered safe for healthy people, they are not for everyone and can aggravate gut problems in people with certain conditions (like SIBO).

But if you’re looking to gently boost your intake of foods that support the diversity of your gut microbiome, here are some to consider.

Probiotic-Rich Foods 🥣

▪️ Yogurt

▪️ Kefer

▪️ Kombucha

▪️ Sauerkraut

▪️ Kimchi

▪️ Natto

Prebiotic-Rich Foods 🧅

▪️ Bananas

▪️ Artichoke

▪️ Asparagus

▪️ Onions

▪️ Flaxseeds

▪️ Oats

If you are struggling with your gut health and want help getting to the root cause, that’s what we’re here for.

Schedule an initial visit to optimize your gut health!