
Fermented Foods Aren’t for Everyone (Here’s Why)

This could be why👇

Just because fermented foods and probiotics are promoted far and wide for gut health does not mean they are for everyone!

➡️ Some people already have an overgrowth of beneficial bacteria.

➡️ Some people have inflammation, sensitivities, and compromised digestion. 

➡️ Some people need to do some healing before being able to handle these foods. . 

What’s best for you depends upon the composition of your unique microbiome at this moment. 

That’s why, if you’re struggling with gut health, it’s so important to work with a qualified practitioner on a personalized plan. 

Does any of this surprise you? 

Let me know in the comments ⤵️

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

Which will it be?

If you’re trying to incorporate gut-healthy habits but are confused about probiotics & prebiotics, here’s the scoop.

*Probiotics* are live microorganisms that are meant to help maintain the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome. *Prebiotics* are dietary fibers that act as food for those beneficial bacteria.

Both can come in the form of either foods or supplements.

Probiotic supplements deliver microorganisms like Acidophilus of Bifidobacteria, whereas prebiotic supplements deliver fibers like inulin, arabinogalactan, or fructooligosaccharides.

👉👉Please be aware that even though probiotics and prebiotics are generally considered safe for healthy people, they are not for everyone and can aggravate gut problems in people with certain conditions (like SIBO).

But if you’re looking to gently boost your intake of foods that support the diversity of your gut microbiome, here are some to consider.

Probiotic-Rich Foods 🥣

▪️ Yogurt

▪️ Kefer

▪️ Kombucha

▪️ Sauerkraut

▪️ Kimchi

▪️ Natto

Prebiotic-Rich Foods 🧅

▪️ Bananas

▪️ Artichoke

▪️ Asparagus

▪️ Onions

▪️ Flaxseeds

▪️ Oats

If you are struggling with your gut health and want help getting to the root cause, that’s what we’re here for.

Schedule an initial visit to optimize your gut health!

🗞️ Probiotics Safety: Latest Update

Update on Probiotic Safety 👇

Most people assume that if something is “natural” then it’s safe.

I recommend a lot of natural products and supplements to my clients—but only with specific intention and caution because here’s the thing:

Even natural products can be dangerous if:

X Taken by the wrong person

X Taken for the wrong reason

X Mixed with medications that interact

X Contaminated with potential toxins

To give you an example, The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) just released an update on probiotic safety, saying:

✅ Probiotics should be used with extra caution in newborns, pregnancy, short-bowel syndrome, and people who are immunocompromised.

✅ Probiotic supplements should be tested for purity, potency, and potential contaminants.

I believe that if a natural product has the potential to do good (as in—to actually improve a person’s health) then it also has the potential to do harm. We can’t have one without the other!

One thing I do to keep my clients safe is to recommend products that meet the highest quality standards, such as using the most effective ingredients and third-party testing for purity.

Let’s respect natural products for the powerful therapeutics they are.


Merenstein D, Pot B, Leyer G, et al. Emerging issues in probiotic safety: 2023 perspectives. Gut Microbes. 2023;15(1):2185034. [link]

📣 New Study Shows Powerful Probiotic Effect

🤯 What most people don’t know about probiotics 🤯

Most people who take probiotics don’t think twice about what strains are in it. Does it have Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1? Bifidobacterium lactis BI-07? Or one of the other thousands of strains out there?

You might think it doesn’t matter, but the truth is that different strains have different benefits.

For example…

👉👉 A new study just found that a probiotic strain of Bacillus subtilis eliminated more than 95% of the dangerous Staph aureus bacteria in people with detectable levels in their intestines and noses.

That’s huge.

Because even though Staph aureus can be present without causing any symptoms, it can turn deadly—especially when it spreads in hospitals or nursing homes.

‼️ PLUS it’s almost impossible to eliminate because of antibiotic resistance.

This new research showing that a specific strain of probiotic can eliminate Staph without adverse effects is truly amazing.

But we have to remember that the effects of probiotics are specific to the strain. This doesn’t mean that just ANY probiotic can eliminate Staph infections.

It’s why we test instead of guess.


Piewngam P, Khongthong S, Roekngam N, et al. Probiotic for pathogen-specific Staphylococcus aureus decolonisation in Thailand: a phase 2, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Microbe. 2023;4(2):e75-e83. [link]