
☕ Jittery From Caffeine? This Could Be Why...

This could be why 👇

Caffeine is metabolized in the liver, but not everyone metabolizes it at the same speed.

This depends largely on the activity of a certain enzyme (called CYP1A2).

Depending on the activity of this enzyme, you could be a slow metabolizer or a fast metabolizer of caffeine.

Slow metabolizers feel the effects of caffeine more intensely—with jitters, nervousness, restlessness, racing heart, or trouble sleeping.

Fast metabolizers don’t.

🧬 This is based on genetics!

The best thing to do is to know your limits and not buy into the caffeine culture if it doesn’t work for you ☕

New Coffee Study & How it Affects the Brain

📚Research Alert!

Sure, the caffeine in coffee helps us feel more alert and focused.

But a new study shows there’s more to coffee’s brain-boosting effects than just caffeine.

In the study, healthy adults were given either coffee or caffeinated water, and researchers measured their brain activity with functional MRI scans.

Both groups showed changes in brain activity related to being more ready to engage in tasks. But coffee also boosted activity in areas of the brain related to working memory, cognitive control, and goal-directed behavior.

☕ Basically, the coffee made people even more ready to be attentive and responsive than caffeine alone.

This is not so different from what we commonly see in studies on whole food or herbs 👉👉👉 The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Are you a coffee fan? Comment Yes or No! ⬇️


Picó-Pérez M, Magalhães R, Esteves M, et al. Coffee consumption decreases the connectivity of the posterior Default Mode Network (DMN) at rest. Front Behav Neurosci. 2023;17:1176382. [link]