
How to Combat the Aging Brain [New Study] 🧠

This one is for anyone who cares about their memory as they age 🧠

🗞️ The just-released COSMOS-Web Study asked this question: Can flavanol supplements benefit the aging brain?

Flavanols are naturally occurring compounds in plant foods that have antioxidant and health-promoting properties, but not everyone eats enough 🍎🍇🍫

Building on over 15 years of research, the current study assigned 3500 healthy older adults to take a daily flavanol supplement (or placebo) for 3 years. The supplement contained 500 mg of flavanols, including 80 mg of epicatechins.

The results?

✅ Memory scores improved slightly for everyone taking the daily flavanol supplement.

✅ Memory scores improved most significantly (by 16%) in those who were consuming a poorer diet and had lower baseline levels of flavanols.

✅ Even more importantly, memory improvement was sustained for at least two more years

Think of it like this:

Just like the developing brain of newborns and small children requires specific nutrients for proper development, so too does the aging brain require specific nutrients for optimal health.

Now we know flavanols are some of those key brain nutrients.


Brickman AM, Yeung LK, Alschuler DM, et al. Dietary flavanols restore hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults with lower diet quality and lower habitual flavanol consumption. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120(23):e2216932120. [link]

[New Study] Magnesium Keeps the Brain Young 🧠

🧠 Want better brain health?

Save this for later 👇

A new study of more than 6000 healthy adults in the United Kingdom found that those who consumed more *MAGNESIUM* had healthier brains. 

How much magnesium?

By the age of 55, people who consumed more than 550 mg per day had a brain age approximately one year younger than those who consumed 350 mg.

🤯Wow 🤯 

Magnesium is one of my favorite nutrients—good for sleep, blood sugar control, metabolism, stress, anxiety, and more. 

Here are some great food sources:

🥬 Green leafy vegetables (like Swiss chard & collards)

🥜 Nuts & Seeds (like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, & cashews) 

🥣 Whole Grains (like brown rice & quinoa)

🥑 Avocados

Magnesium can also be taken as a supplement, which I like to do at night because of its calming effect on the nervous system. 

Follow for more tips on sleep, stress, brain health, & more!


Alateeq K, Walsh EI, Cherbuin N. Dietary magnesium intake is related to larger brain volumes and lower white matter lesions with notable sex differences [published online ahead of print, 2023 Mar 10]. Eur J Nutr. 2023. [link]

#brainhealth #agingbrain #magnesiumbenefits #magnesiumfoods