
Abundance vs. Scarcity

Abundance vs. Scarcity 👉

People with an abundance mindset tend to believe they can have limitless health, wealth, happiness, and all things good.

Whereas those with a scarcity mindset tend to believe these things are limited.

YES, there is a middle ground.

Not many health practitioners talk about mindset, but it powerfully influences health, healing, and results.

Because beliefs → influence thoughts → influence behaviors → influence results.

There are lots of ways we can work on shifting our mindset, but the first step is always awareness—to notice our thoughts throughout the day.

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3 Habits that Boost Neuroplasticity

3 more ways to improve neuroplasticity 🧠

In case you’ve missed my recent posts about neuroplasticity, a quick refresher: 

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to create new connections and strengthen existing neural pathways. 

Because of neuroplasticity, we’re able to:

✅ Release Anxieties

✅ Improve Mood

✅ Respond Better to Stress

✅ Break Unwanted Habits

✅ Create Helpful Habits

✅ Think More Clearly

✅ Stay Focused

✅ Remember More Easily

✅ Learn New Skills

Neuroplasticity explains why things like brain games, meditation, and yoga work. But here’s where it really gets fun:

Everyday healthy habits that we so often recommend in functional medicine ALSO improve the brain’s plasticity—meaning all of your efforts to retrain your brain will work better.  

Like this:

🏋️‍♀️ Exercise triggers the release of a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which improves neuroplasticity. 

🥦 Fruits & vegetables are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols that protect nerves to support neuroplasticity. 

💤 Restorative sleep is also a necessary ingredient for neuroplasticity. 

The conventional medical paradigm likes to isolate the parts of the body, the treatments, and the outcomes. 

But in functional medicine, we know all the parts work together. 

And everything works better when our brains are on board 🙌

5 Habits for Neuroplasticity 🧘‍♀️

5 Daily Neuroplasticity Practices 👇

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to respond to a changing environment, reorganize pathways, and improve function.

Better neuroplasticity can help with creating fresh habits, learning new skills, releasing unneeded anxiety, and pretty much anything else involving the brain 🧠

There are lots of ways to improve neuroplasticity. Depending on your goals, you can choose practices to help reach them. 

For example:

1️⃣ Brain Games

If your goals revolve around improving your focus, concentration, reaction time, and memory, you might try blocking off 15 minutes a day to do something like Sudoku, chess, or a brain-training app. 

2️⃣Art & Music

If your goals include improving your mood and processing your emotions, you can retrain your brain through creative expression like drawing, painting, or singing.


If your goals include becoming more mindful and present while improving your mood, meditation reinforces neural pathways related to positive emotions.

4️⃣Deep Breathing

Whether it’s better concentration, focus, mood, or stress resilience you’re aiming for, deep breathing activates the vagus nerve to tell your nervous system to reset. 

5️⃣ Yoga

Similar to meditation and deep breathing, yoga activates the vagus nerve and sends a message of calm to the nervous system.  

Our brains are forever changing. If we make it a habit to do some sort of neuroplasticity training every day (like one of these things ☝️) , we program the brain to be resilient, malleable, and strong. 


🗝️ The key with all neuroplasticity practices is to do them often. 

Do you practice any of these things? 

What benefits do you notice?

🗝️ The Key to Habit Change

🤔 What neuroplasticity has to do with habits…

“We are creatures of habit.”

“Old habits are hard to break.”

“New habits are hard to keep.”

How many of these ideas ☝️ do you believe?

So much about improving our health requires changing our habits. That’s true for physical, mental, and emotional health. But in order for new habits to stick, we also need to retrain our brains.

It’s called neuroplasticity 💡 and is basically like rewiring old patterns into new ones on a subconscious level.

Here’s the great thing about neuroplasticity:

✅ The more you trigger neural pathways in the brain, the stronger they get.

❌ The less you trigger other neural pathways in the brain, the weaker they get.

That means every time you lace up your walking shoes instead of sitting on the couch, you’re training your brain to believe you’re a person who exercises. Every time you drink water instead of wine, you’re training your brain to believe you’re a person who stays sober. Every time you take a deep breath instead of yelling, you’re training your brain to believe you’re a person who stays present and relaxed.

The key to making neuroplasticity work in your favor is to practice your positive and health-promoting habits in little bits often:

🗝️ Little & Often 🗝️

That’s how you train your brain, and that’s how you make habits stick.

Watch for my next post because I’m going to share some **specific neuroplasticity exercises** you can do little & often.

Any ideas what some might be? Give me your guesses in the comments. ⤵️