
Something to Think About…

Which do you believe to be more true:

“I’ll get better when I find the right diet, pill, or miracle treatment.” 


“I’ll get better when I make positive changes in my beliefs, habits, and lifestyle.”

There is no right or wrong answer—these are just different mindsets. 

Also, most of us fall somewhere on a continuum rather than fully on one end or the other. 

🧠 In psychology, these mindsets are called “external” vs. “internal locus of control.” It’s all about where we believe the responsibility falls. 

Where do you think you land on the continuum? 

Where do you want to be?

Abundance vs. Scarcity

Abundance vs. Scarcity 👉

People with an abundance mindset tend to believe they can have limitless health, wealth, happiness, and all things good.

Whereas those with a scarcity mindset tend to believe these things are limited.

YES, there is a middle ground.

Not many health practitioners talk about mindset, but it powerfully influences health, healing, and results.

Because beliefs → influence thoughts → influence behaviors → influence results.

There are lots of ways we can work on shifting our mindset, but the first step is always awareness—to notice our thoughts throughout the day.

❤️Tap to like if this resonates with you.

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Stress Stoppers: Try These!

Stress Stoppers 👉👉

You know that moment when your heart races, your muscles tense, your mind checks out, and everything in your body just wants to escape wherever you are?

It’s our acute stress response, and we call it “fight or flight.”

When I notice this happening (the first step is awareness!), here are some things I do:

💡 Notice my thoughts or emotions.

☀️ Reframe negative thoughts to the positive.

👣 Put my feet to the earth to feel grounded.

🌬️ Take some deep breaths.

⛰️Change my location.

💃 Move my body (dance, shake, jump, walk).

None of this is easy.

It takes practice.

But learning to stop stress in its tracks is one of the best things you can do for your current health and your future self.

Which of these ideas do you like best?

💚 Stop Complaining. Start Manifesting.

✨ Stop complaining and start manifesting ✨

Sending you a little dose of tough love with this one.

We all have moments when we feel stuck or frustrated. But how we respond in those moments can mean the difference between wallowing in negativity or shifting into a higher vibration of positivity.

So I’m going to give you something to think about.

When you find yourself having negative thoughts, just pause.

Notice what is happening, take a breath, and reframe that thought into something positive. Like this:

🔹 Instead of “I have to…” say “I get to…”

🔹 Instead of “I don’t know how…” say “I’m excited to learn…”

🔹 Instead of “Nobody appreciates me…” say “I am so grateful for…”

Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, so focus on what you want more of in life and trust that it will happen ❤️