
Why To Care About Blood Sugar...

Why should you care about your blood sugar?

Because healthy blood sugar regulation can translate into…

✅ Sustained Energy

✅ Mental Clarity

✅ Fewer Cravings

✅ Better Sleep

✅ Stress Resilience

✅ Clear Skin

✅ Stable Mood

And those are just the effects you’ll notice.

Because over time, healthy blood sugar regulation supports your hormones, brain, heart, and healthy aging 🙌

If you have any questions about blood sugar or want personalized support...

🥾 Take the first step through the link in our bio!

Benefits of Looking Under the Hood…

Quick Question 👇

If you heard a rattling noise coming from your car engine, would you crank up the radio to drown it out or take it to the repair shop to fix the cause of the noise? 

I’m guessing you’d want to get it fixed. Am I right? 

Then why is it when it comes to our bodies and our health…so many people choose to cover up their symptoms rather than figure out the cause? 

In functional medicine, we look under the hood 🚙 

And when it comes to correcting the source of the problem, we work to optimize function on a CELLULAR level. 

Or even subcellular—like the mitochondria. 

This is part 2 out of 4 in my series of posts on mitochondrial health, and what I want you to take away is this: 

When we support the mitochondria, we optimize the function of the body from the inside out. That means…

✅ Better Energy

✅ More Stamina

✅ Mental Clarity

✅ Healthier Metabolism

✅ Graceful Aging

Follow me for tips on optimizing mitochondrial function (coming soon!) or message me for help 📩 

🍄 Meet My Favorite Mushroom!

🍄 How to use reishi for better energy…

Reishi is also called the “mushroom of immortality” because of its use in Asian traditions to promote longevity.

It’s an adaptogen, which means it has a balancing effect on the hormones and improves the body’s resilience to stress.

Reishi’s benefits include:

✅ High in Antioxidants

✅ Supports Mitochondrial Function

✅ Helps with Blood Sugar Regulation

✅ Balancing for Hormones, including testosterone

For anyone wanting more endurance, mental clarity, and sustained energy, reishi is a great option. It can be taken as a supplement or added as a powder into coffee or tea.

Questions about reishi? Drop them below! ⤵️