
Want Clear & Glowing Skin? Open Up.

☀️ Want clear & glowing skin? ☀️

Not many people realize this, but your skin has an ecosystem of its own (the skin microbiome), which can be nurtured or harmed just like the gut microbiome.

Studies have shown that the composition of bacteria on your skin directly correlates with skin hydration and texture, which in turn affect how your skin looks and feels.

You can support your skin microbiome from the outside (by what you put on it) and the inside (through the gut-skin axis!).

For example:

1️⃣ Use gentle skincare products rather than harsh and alcohol-based products. 🧴

2️⃣ Eat a microbiome-friendly diet, rich in antioxidants, fiber, and probiotic-rich foods. 🥦

3️⃣ Work with a practitioner to identify the root cause of any skin concerns you have. 👩‍⚕️

Have you ever thought about healing your skin from the inside out?

🌱 Get started at our practice through the link in our bio!


Hwang BK, Lee S, Myoung J, et al. Effect of the skincare product on facial skin microbial structure and biophysical parameters: A pilot study. Microbiologyopen. 2021;10(5):e1236. [link]

Gao T, Wang X, Li Y, Ren F. The Role of Probiotics in Skin Health and Related Gut-Skin Axis: A Review. Nutrients. 2023;15(14):3123. Published 2023 Jul 13. [link]

Ever Heard of the Gut-Skin Axis?

Want the scoop? ➡️

The gut-skin axis explains the direct connection between gut health and skin health. This happens through:

1️⃣ Gut Microbiome

Changes in the gut microbiome have been linked to many skin conditions, including acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.

2️⃣ Food Sensitivities

Gluten and other food sensitivities have been linked to eczema and other skin rashes because of their effect on gut inflammation and immune function.

3️⃣ Inflammation

When inflammation occurs in the gut, it can lead to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and trigger inflammation elsewhere in the body, including the skin.

The usual way of addressing skin issues is through external topical applications, but to address the root cause…

We like to look at the gut.

Want a holistic approach to healing your skin from the inside out?

Schedule an appointment today and let's get started!



De Pessemier B, Grine L, Debaere M, Maes A, Paetzold B, Callewaert C. Gut-Skin Axis: Current Knowledge of the Interrelationship between Microbial Dysbiosis and Skin Conditions. Microorganisms. 2021;9(2):353. Published 2021 Feb 11. [link]