
4 Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits & Veg

Raise your hand if you feel the activities are ramping up since getting back to school and work this fall?

It’s easy to use “busy” as an excuse to eat on the run or to make less healthy choices, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are some tips to make sure you (and your loved ones) can be munching on fruits & veggies no matter your schedule.

1️⃣ Wash & Chop in Advance

Take a small block of time on Sunday (or each evening) to wash and chop veggies like peppers, carrots, and celery to store in the fridge. This makes it just as easy to grab those as it is to grab a snack from the pantry!

2️⃣ Set Fruit Front & Center

Place fruits that stay out on the counter, like apples, oranges, and bananas, in a bowl that stays front and center. That way when you or any of the kids pass through, they’ll be easy to grab.

3️⃣ Carry a Cooler Bag

Keep a small lunch box or cooler bag at the ready so you can throw in some chopped fruits and veggies to carry along on your errands, carpools, or park dates. This works when out and about by yourself or with kids.

4️⃣ Pack Lunch

Eating out for lunch often means fewer fruits and veggies. Packing your lunch is one of the surest ways to eat more produce through the middle part of your day. Plus, you’ll save time and money.

So much of habit formation has less to do with what’s going on in your brain and more to do with the environmental cues around you.

The reason these ideas ☝️work is because they leverage the power of your environment to make it just as easy to eat fruits and vegetables as it is to eat packaged or processed food.

Are you in?

Comment with your favorite fruit or veggie emoji! 🍓🥦🍉🥕

Text Neck? Try This!

📲 3 ways to combat text neck!!

Now that we’re all back to work and school after summer vacations, many of us are looking at our screens even more.

If your head is forward or shoulders slouched, it could be “text neck” and could create even worse problems (like headaches or back pain) over time.

Try these things:

1️⃣Bring Phone to Eye-Level

If you’re sitting at a desk while looking at your phone, prop it up on a stand. If you’re sitting on a couch or chair, prop your elbows on your stomach area so that your phone is in front of your face. Walking while looking at your phone? Your arms may just need to get tired.

2️⃣ Take Stretch Breaks

Take breaks to do some neck rolls, shoulder stretches, or just stare off into the distance. These breaks will not only benefit your posture but also help relax your vision and refresh your brain.

3️⃣ Open an App!

Ironically, the solution could be the same as the problem: an app! There are several apps that will guide you through exercises to improve posture, and most can be done in just 5 minutes a day.

Share this post with someone you think could benefit!

#textneck #postureproblems #posturetips #healthyhabits #elementsnatmed