
A 5-Step Visualization Practice

How to make visualization work for you ⬇️

One of the things I see again and again in my patients who create dramatic improvements in their health is that they have a clear vision of their WHY and what they are working toward.

There is no ONE right way to do this, but these steps can get you started:

🧠 Be clear on your goal (better digestion, weight loss, less anxiety, or whatever it is)

✍️ Write down what your life will look like when you reach your goal. Include lots of details.

👀 Create a visual (drawing, vision board, or just a few key words) to capture this vision.

🖼 Place the visual reminder somewhere you will see it every day.

🚶‍♀️Take one small action every day toward that goal.

I’d love to hear if you have used visualization to reach your goals. Drop me an emoji in the comments if it works for you!

Which are you?

🤔 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Mindset

Our mindset determines our behaviors and the results we get—especially when it comes to health!

So, what about short-term vs. long-term thinking?

Short-term thinkers focus on the here and now.

Long-term thinkers visualize what’s next and are guided by a vision of the future.

When it comes to health, thinking in the long-term (visualizing the “why” behind our goals) makes it easier to stay committed to positive changes.

So here’s my question for you:

Whatever goal you are working toward, WHY are you committed to that goal?

Then whenever you’re tempted to give up, remind yourself of that long-term vision.

You got this 🙌