
For the Meditation-Curious 🧘‍♀️

Science-backed benefits of meditation👇

I’ve been talking a lot about mindset, and one of the most common questions coming up is: 

How do I change my mindset? 

There are lots of ways to go about this, but one science-backed way is through meditation! 

Research shows that meditation literally changes the brain to:

✔️ Calm the “lizard brain” (amygdala)

✔️ Reduce anxiety

✔️ Manage eating behaviors

✔️ Increase pain tolerance

✔️ Improve sleep

✔️ Relieve stress

If you’re meditation-curious, you can dip your toe in (just 5 minutes a day!) with an app like HeadSpace of Calm.


Review of research by the NIH

Goyal M, Singh S, Sibinga EM, et al. Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(3):357-368. [link]

Kral TRA, Schuyler BS, Mumford JA, Rosenkranz MA, Lutz A, Davidson RJ. Impact of short- and long-term mindfulness meditation training on amygdala reactivity to emotional stimuli. Neuroimage. 2018;181:301-313. [link]

Ever Tried a Meditation App?

✨ 3 Meditation Apps to Try ✨

There is no shortage of science-backed benefits of meditation. 

Meditation can help with…

🔅 stress & anxiety

🔅 blood pressure

🔅 pain & inflammation

🔅 self-awareness

🔅 sleep

Lots of people think meditation is hard or overwhelming, but you can start reaping its benefits even if you only commit to 5 minutes a day! 

Here are 3 apps to check out that can help:

1️⃣ Headspace

Complete with explainer videos about mindfulness and options for all ages, Headspace is a simple place for anybody to begin.

2️⃣ Calm

Based on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques, Calm offers meditations that last from 3 to 30 minutes.

3️⃣ Ten Percent Happier

To complement the book and podcast by the same name, this app includes teachings, meditations, and challenges. 

Have you tried any of these apps? What do you think? ⤵️

5 Minute Meditation

Lots of us feel crunched for time. 

But what if you could take just 5 MINUTES to relax your body, clear your mind, and rejuvenate your soul? 

That’s what you can do with a 5-minute meditation. 

Here’s how:

1️⃣ Schedule a Time

Pick a time of day to do your 5-minute meditation and set a reminder on your phone to make sure you don’t miss it.  

2️⃣ Choose a Space 

You’ll want a quiet space where you feel comfortable and undisturbed. If you like, you can play meditation music or light a candle.  

3️⃣ Take Some Deep Breaths

Close your eyes and take a few deep belly breaths. Imagine releasing stress and tension from your body with each exhale. 

4️⃣ Focus on the Moment

Focus your attention on the sensations in and around your body—the feelings, smells, and sounds of the present moment. If your mind wanders, that’s completely normal! Just notice and bring your awareness back to the present. 

When 5 minutes is up? Take one more releasing breath and get back to work—feeling more focused and less stressed. 

Will you commit? If so, drop me a YES! below ⤵️