
Men’s Hormonal Health 🦐🍅🥬

✨Foods for Hormonal Health in Men✨

A common hormonal pattern that emerges in men as they age is a decline in testosterone, accompanied by an increase in estrogen. While this is a normal part of aging to some extent, this pattern can contribute to weight gain, fatigue, and worse.

Diet and lifestyle can optimize men’s hormonal health by reducing stress, triggering hormone production, and providing nutrients as essential building blocks.

Like these foods:

🐠 Fatty fish contain omega-3 fats that support testosterone levels in men.

🦐 Oysters and shellfish are rich in zinc, a mineral needed for testosterone production.

🍅 Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is key in protecting prostate health.

🥬 Green leafy vegetables provide antioxidants to fight free radicals and magnesium to support testosterone levels.

🥤 Pomegranates and pomegranate juice are rich in antioxidants and have been shown to support testosterone levels.

Sometimes health improvement is as simple as making one small change.

The Stress-Hormone Cycle in Men

Why men should not ignore stress‼️ 

It’s a vicious cycle:

Stress triggers the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol  ➡️ 

Cortisol suppresses testosterone production ➡️

Tanked testosterone contributes to estrogen dominance  ➡️ 

Estrogen dominance leads to weight gain, low libido, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness and (you got it) ➡️

More STRESS ➡️

Lots of men get interested in prescriptions for testosterone or supplements that support testosterone levels, but even these “natural” approaches are only a band-aid solution unless we…


👉also address stress and the stress hormone cascade👈 

Some ways to reduce stress right away:

✔️ Write down 3 things you feel grateful for every morning

✔️ Go for a short walk at lunchtime

✔️ Block time on your calendar to exercise

✔️ When you notice yourself getting stressed, pause for a moment and breath

These are simple things, but if done repeatedly, add up to big gains over time.

Like if you found this helpful ❤️ and follow for more on men’s health this month!

Hormones Changing? (Men’s Edition)

⬇️Signs of hormonal imbalance in men⬇️

In the natural health space, women’s hormones get a lot more attention than men’s. But guess what…

Men can struggle with hormonal imbalances too!

Here are some signs that a man’s hormones may need a little TLC:

▪️ Abdominal weight gain

▪️ Sugar cravings

▪️ Lack of motivation

▪️ Tiredness

▪️ Low libido

▪️ Infertility

▪️ Moodiness

▪️ Irritability

▪️ Brain fog

Even though men don’t have periods or go through menopause, their hormones DO change over time, respond to lifestyle, and play a huge role in health and well-being. 

June is Men’s Health Month, so follow along because I’m going to break down everything from estrogen dominance in men to supplements, foods, and exercises that keep men’s hormones healthy 👍