
Study Shows Brain-Boosting Effect of Exercise

Plus there’s more 👇👇

Here are some highlights from this recent study by the University of Queensland:

▪️ Healthy 65-85 year old volunteers were put on one of 3 exercise programs for 6 months (low intensity, medium intensity, or high intensity).

▪️ After 6 months, only those on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) showed improvements in the hippocampus (a brain area related to learning and memory).

▪️ The HIIT group also showed improvements in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cortisol levels.

▪️ The improvements seen in the HIIT group lasted 5 years, even if the exercise didn’t continue.

The HIIT program involved 4 cycles of running on a treadmill near maximum exertion.

Does this inspire you?

Nutrients Missing from Low-Carb Diets?

💥 🗞️ New Study!!

When compared with diets not restricting carbohydrates, low-carb diets may lead to nutrient depletions—especially of some B vitamins and magnesium.

This recent study found that some of the nutrient requirements not being met by low-carb diets included thiamine (vitamin B1), iron, calcium, magnesium, and selenium.

Red blood cell levels of thiamine were lower and low levels of magnesium were more common in people following a low-carb diet.

This is not medical advice.

This is just something to be aware of if you have chosen to follow a low-carb diet.

It is always best to make dietary changes under the guidance of a practitioner who understands nutrition, metabolism, and supplementation.

This is our specialty.

🌱 Get started at our practice through the link in our bio!

Churuangsuk C, Catchpole A, Talwar D, et al. Low thiamine status in adults following low-carbohydrate / ketogenic diets: a cross-sectional comparative study of micronutrient intake and status. Eur J Nutr. Published online July 5, 2024. [link]

Daily Self-Care (Checklist)

What’s your list look like?

I believe everyone has different things that fill their cup, and what works for one person won’t work for everyone.

But I encourage you to be open-minded.

If you’ve never tried sticking to a morning routine (or breaks for deep breathing or an evening wind-down), how do you know you won’t love it?

Drop me a ❤️ if you found this helpful! Look below for some ideas for self-care!

#selfcareroutine #selfcaredaily #morningroutine #holisticlifestyle #elementsnatmed

👀 Most Overlooked Detox Nutrient

🥁🥁🥁 Ready for it??

The most overlooked nutrient that is essential for healthy detoxification is…


Amino acids from protein are needed for phase 2 detoxification in the liver, which is the phase where toxic compounds from phase 1 are conjugated for elimination.

Yep—conjugated 🤓

But you can get the full benefits of protein without ever knowing what that word means.

Amino acids are also the building blocks of glutathione—the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier.

So what?

So without enough protein, liver detoxification cannot work at full capacity, and toxic compounds can build up in the body.

So next time you think about loading up on greens or garlic or lemon water…don’t forget to also grab a source of protein.

Reason #999 to Move Your Body 💃🕺

👀 Hello up there! Take a second with me here because I have the simplest way anyone can improve their detoxification for FREE ➡️➡️

Move Your Body 💃🕺

When you move, your muscles contract and act like a pump for your lymphatic system.

Your lymphatics are a central part of your immune and detoxification systems, which is why we want to improve lymphatic flow (maybe you’ve heard of lymphatic massage—that works too!).

Whether you prefer to walk, run, jump on a trampoline, do yoga, or dance…

Moving will help your detoxification systems work better 🎉

Leave us a comment with you favorite way to move your body! 💃