The Thyroid Triad (Gut & Liver!)

Want better thyroid function? 👉

Then we also need to optimize the liver and the gut. Here’s why:

🔁 Thyroid & Gut:

Thyroid hormones influence gut motility (causing constipation when underactive). Gut dysbiosis or inflammation can worsen oxidative stress that damages the thyroid.

🔁 Thyroid & Liver:

Thyroid hormones influence fat metabolism in the liver (contributing to insulin resistance and fatty liver when underactive). Conversion of T4 to active T3 takes place in the liver, meaning that a compromised liver could compromise thyroid function.

Poor thyroid function can impair gut and liver function—and the reverse is also true.

If you struggle with thyroid health and want to take a holistic approach to feeling better, we can help.

🌱 Get started at our practice through the link in our bio!


Hatziagelaki E, Paschou SA, Schön M, Psaltopoulou T, Roden M. NAFLD and thyroid function: pathophysiological and therapeutic considerations. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2022;33(11):755-768. [link]

Knezevic J, Starchl C, Tmava Berisha A, Amrein K. Thyroid-Gut-Axis: How Does the Microbiota Influence Thyroid Function?. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1769. Published 2020 Jun 12. [link]