
“Is This a Good Supplement?”

“Is this a good supplement?”

If I could have a dollar for every time I’ve heard that one…💸

Seriously, so many people come to me with a bag of supplements they’ve accumulated because their best friend, aunt, or favorite podcast host recommended them. 🙃

Most are a waste of money.

This post isn’t to sell you supplements or to recommend anything specific. (We reserve that service for our clients.)

What this post IS for is to educate you on supplement quality and what to look for on labels.

1️⃣Look for third-party certifications.

Check for labels like NSF Certified or USP Verified, which ensure the product has been tested for purity and potency. These certifications mean what’s on the label is actually in the bottle—something you cannot always count on with all supplements!

2️⃣ Choose bioavailable forms.

Every vitamin and mineral has specific forms listed on the label. The better forms are easier for your body to absorb and use.

✨For vitamin B12, look for methylcobalamin (not cyanocobalamin).

✨For folate, look for methylfolate (rather than the synthetic folic acid).

✨Chelated minerals (like magnesium glycinate) are typically better absorbed than mineral salts.

3️⃣ Avoid fillers, dyes, and additives.

The shorter the list of “other ingredients” the better.

But most important?

Just because a supplement helped your friend or neighbor does not mean it will help you.

Your nutrient needs are unique to you.

👉🏽 We can help you figure out what your body truly needs and create a tailored plan that delivers the most benefits with the fewest pills.

Schedule an initial visit with Dr. Cantrell to get started with your personalized healthcare protocol! 🔗

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✨Supplement Spotlight: Curcumin✨

✨ 5 Health Benefits of Curcumin ✨

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric—the spice that gives a deep yellow color to Indian curries.

It’s also a popular dietary supplement because of its many health benefits!

Here are 5 reasons to love curcumin:

1️⃣ Fights Free Radicals

Like many herbs, spices, and plant foods, curcumin is a powerful antioxidant—helping to combat everyday toxins and oxidative stress.

2️⃣ Supports a Healthy Inflammatory Response

Curcumin is most famous for its role in inflammation. It can be taken temporarily (when healing from an injury or illness) or long-term.

3️⃣Supports Healthy Blood Pressure

Curcumin improves endothelial function, which supports healthy blood pressure

4️⃣ Supports the Brain

Curcumin increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is critical for learning and memory

5️⃣Supports Mood

Possibly also through BDNF, curcumin has been shown to support a healthy mood.

There are more reasons to love curcumin, but that’s probably enough for now.

One important thing to know about curcumin is that it is not easily absorbed from the digestive tract.

👉 That’s why supplement quality matters.

We recommend a high-quality curcumin product that is formulated for optimal absorption.

Just ask!