
🗞️ Probiotics Safety: Latest Update

Update on Probiotic Safety 👇

Most people assume that if something is “natural” then it’s safe.

I recommend a lot of natural products and supplements to my clients—but only with specific intention and caution because here’s the thing:

Even natural products can be dangerous if:

X Taken by the wrong person

X Taken for the wrong reason

X Mixed with medications that interact

X Contaminated with potential toxins

To give you an example, The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) just released an update on probiotic safety, saying:

✅ Probiotics should be used with extra caution in newborns, pregnancy, short-bowel syndrome, and people who are immunocompromised.

✅ Probiotic supplements should be tested for purity, potency, and potential contaminants.

I believe that if a natural product has the potential to do good (as in—to actually improve a person’s health) then it also has the potential to do harm. We can’t have one without the other!

One thing I do to keep my clients safe is to recommend products that meet the highest quality standards, such as using the most effective ingredients and third-party testing for purity.

Let’s respect natural products for the powerful therapeutics they are.


Merenstein D, Pot B, Leyer G, et al. Emerging issues in probiotic safety: 2023 perspectives. Gut Microbes. 2023;15(1):2185034. [link]