Columbus Georgia

Subtle Signs of Insulin Resistance

Signs of Blood Sugar Imbalance You May Not Know 👇👇

But first it’s important to be clear that you cannot know if you have blood sugar problems strictly by the way you feel.

💥 The only way to know is to test.

That being said, here are some of the outward signs:

▪️ Belly fat

▪️ Sugar Cravings

▪️ Energy Crashes

▪️ Brain Fog

▪️ Mood Swings

▪️ Skin Tags

▪️ Darkened Skin Creases

These signs give us clues that you may have insulin resistance, which means your cells have become less responsive to insulin and less effective at using glucose from your blood as energy.

Left unchecked, insulin resistance can also fuel inflammation, weight struggles, and heart disease 😬

Be sure to like ❤️ this post and follow🚶‍♀️for more posts coming soon on how to understand and optimize your blood sugar.

Who Cares About the Microbiome? (YOU Should!)

When it comes to the microbiome, the stakes are high 😬

We don’t see it, we can’t feel it, and yet it has power over nearly every aspect of our health.

Those trillions of microorganisms on and in us influence digestion, detoxification, immune function, brain health, and more.

Evidence-based research (PMID: 34584224) shows that changes in the gut microbiome have been associated with all of these conditions:

▪️ Rheumatoid Arthritis

▪️ Type 1 Diabetes

▪️ Type 2 Diabetes

▪️ Eczema

▪️ Asthma

▪️ IBD

▪️ IBS

▪️ Fatty Liver

▪️ Cardiovascular Disease

▪️ Chronic Kidney Disease

▪️ Mental Health Disorders

The microbiome is not the only contributing factor to these conditions, but it is one that is often overlooked.

And it is one that we always consider from a functional perspective.

Because in functional medicine, we do more than treat a diagnosis. We look for underlying causes and optimize the structure and function of all body systems.

If you want a holistic and root-cause approach...

🥾 Take the first step through the link in our bio.


Vijay A, Valdes AM. Role of the gut microbiome in chronic diseases: a narrative review. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2022;76(4):489-501. [link]

Farm Fresh Eggs

We have the privilege of being brought farm fresh eggs on the regular by one of our precious patients every few weeks! #freerange #hearthealthy #preventdisease Here's a great article from Dr. Axe

Did you know free range eggs contain:

  • ⅓ less cholesterol
  • ¼ less saturated fat
  • ⅔ more vitamin A
  • 2 times more omega-3
  • 3 times more vitamin E
  • 7 times more beta-carotene

"Functional Medicine Isn't Airy Fairy"

“Functional medicine isn’t ‘airy fairy,’” says Bland. “The method is grounded in science, and we use the best drugs available, if needed,” he says. But, when appropriate, practitioners also advise patients about nutrition, exercise, and reduction of toxic exposure. “This is simply about using the right tool for the right job,” he says. Jeffrey Bland, PHD🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️❤️❤️ ( W.I.N.K Master of You Course)

-Courtney Cox-Gibson, RN



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