
Tired of Talking About Food? Try These Things.

For anyone wanting better blood sugar regulation ➡️

While foods have a big effect on blood sugar, so do other lifestyle choices! Here are 5 non-food-related ways to support healthy blood sugar balance:

✅ Daily Movement 🤸‍♀️

✅ Walks After Meals 🚶‍♀️

✅ 7+ Hours of Sleep 😴

✅ Plenty of Water 💧

✅ Stress Management 🧘‍♀️

Nothing happens in isolation.

That’s why we always take a whole-body, whole-person, and whole-life approach to healing.

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Surprising Cause of Accelerated Aging

Sugar is making you age faster 💥

Not to be dramatic, but the truth is that sugar spikes cause a biochemical process called glycation…and the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Turns out that AGEs play a big role in skin aging.

They accumulate in the skin, compromise collagen, and contribute to fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin 😩

Sure, glycation is a natural process that increases with age anyway, but diets that are high in sugar or refined carbs without a balance of healthy fats, fiber, and protein accelerate the process.

Is slowing down the aging process a motivating factor for you?

🌱 Get started at our practice through the link in our bio!


Gkogkolou P, Böhm M. Advanced glycation end products: Key players in skin aging?. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012;4(3):259-270. [link]

Blood Sugar Problems in the Family? Open Up.

Factors that influence blood sugar balance 👇

But first, if blood sugar problems run in your family, that does not mean you are destined for them too.

Genetics and age are admittedly 2 factors you cannot control.

But there are many other factors that also influence your risk for insulin resistance and blood sugar problems.

Factors you CAN control include:

✅ Diet

✅ Exercise

✅ Stress

✅ Hormones

✅ Sleep

When you tip the scales in your favor by optimizing these factors you can control…

…you set yourself up for a lifetime of health 🙌

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Subtle Signs of Insulin Resistance

Signs of Blood Sugar Imbalance You May Not Know 👇👇

But first it’s important to be clear that you cannot know if you have blood sugar problems strictly by the way you feel.

💥 The only way to know is to test.

That being said, here are some of the outward signs:

▪️ Belly fat

▪️ Sugar Cravings

▪️ Energy Crashes

▪️ Brain Fog

▪️ Mood Swings

▪️ Skin Tags

▪️ Darkened Skin Creases

These signs give us clues that you may have insulin resistance, which means your cells have become less responsive to insulin and less effective at using glucose from your blood as energy.

Left unchecked, insulin resistance can also fuel inflammation, weight struggles, and heart disease 😬

Be sure to like ❤️ this post and follow🚶‍♀️for more posts coming soon on how to understand and optimize your blood sugar.

Popping the Vitamin C? Read This.

5 things you wish wouldn’t affect your immune system—but DO!

People love to pop their vitamin C this time of year, but I hate to be the bearer of bad news…

Vitamin C isn’t going to do much if your immune system is being squashed by other forces.


❌ Stress

❌ Short Sleep

❌ Not Exercising

❌ Staying Indoors

❌ Sugar Sugar Sugar!!

It’s tempting to look for a miracle pill to keep us healthy, but the truth is that our bodies are complex beings that respond to cues from everywhere.

The best thing you can do to support your immunity right now?

Look for the weakest link in your health and your habits.

Fix that first 🛠️

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