
How Gut Health Affects Hormones

Playing the hormone balancing act? 👀 Read This ⬇️

Your hormones need nutrients for optimal function, and those nutrients need to be properly absorbed from the gut. Not only that, but gut health affects hormone balance in another important way.

The other link between gut health and hormones is specific to estrogen 🌸

When things are working right, estrogen binds to proteins in the liver and then moves to the gut for elimination.

But there’s a sneaky enzyme in the intestines that can break up this union between estrogen and the protein, allowing estrogen to be absorbed right back into the body again.

Ever heard of estrogen dominance?

It’s the driving force of many hormonal conditions and can be rooted in gut health!

I’m sharing a series of posts this month all about tips for improving gut health. Like this post ❤️ and follow 🚶‍♀️ to catch my upcoming posts!


He S, Li H, Yu Z, et al. The Gut Microbiome and Sex Hormone-Related Diseases. Front Microbiol. 2021;12:711137. Published 2021 Sep 28. [link]

Hu S, Ding Q, Zhang W, Kang M, Ma J, Zhao L. Gut microbial beta-glucuronidase: a vital regulator in female estrogen metabolism. Gut Microbes. 2023;15(1):2236749. [link]

5 Foods to Avoid in PCOS

🤔 Did you know these foods can worsen PCOS?

PCOS is a common condition in women that causes hormonal imbalances and metabolic problems, often accompanied by insulin resistance and weight gain. Here are 5 foods to avoid:

1️⃣Sugary Drinks 🥤

We’re not just talking about soda here. Sweetened tea, fancy coffee drinks, and juices will all cause the blood sugar to spike and worsen the metabolic issues of PCOS.

2️⃣Processed Snacks 🍕

Snacks like crackers, cookies, and chips are typically high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, both of which worsen insulin resistance in PCOS.

3️⃣Cereal 🥣

Boxed cereals and granola can be a hidden source of sugar that is a stress to the body and blood sugar.

4️⃣Fried Foods 🍟

Fried foods are typically high in trans fats, which interfere with the action of insulin and worsen inflammation—problems already present in PCOS.

5️⃣Alcohol 🍹

Alcoholic drinks not only disrupt blood sugar but also place a strain on the liver, which plays a key role in hormone metabolism.

Nutrition can be a powerful tool to support hormone health and metabolism in PCOS, and it doesn’t always have to be complicated. I work with my clients to find nutritious foods that are easy to make and that they enjoy, so that healthy eating can become a way of life.