
Targeted Nutrients (Blood Sugar Edition)

Nutrients to Support Blood Sugar ⬇️⬇️

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is one of the best ways to optimize your hormones, brain health, energy levels, and overall well-being.

While blood sugar responds to the macronutrients (fats, proteins, carbs) in your diet, it also depends on 💥micronutrients💥 for regulation.

Such as (in no specific order)...

✅ B Vitamins

✅ Magnesium

✅ Chromium

✅ Zinc

✅ Omega-3’s

✅ Vitamin E

✅ Vitamin D

Each of these nutrients carry out specific functions related to blood sugar, but many support the action of insulin or the enzymes needed for energy metabolism.

So what?

So this means that eating nutrient-dense foods is just as important as balancing out carbs with protein, fat, and fiber.

If you are looking for targeted support for your blood sugar, metabolism, or energy, we can help.

🥾 Take the first step through the link in our bio.

#nutritionformetabolism #nutrientsupport #nutrientdensity #nutritionalsupport #elementsnatmed


Basiri R, Seidu B, Cheskin LJ. Key Nutrients for Optimal Blood Glucose Control and Mental Health in Individuals with Diabetes: A Review of the Evidence. Nutrients. 2023;15(18):3929. [link]

40% of Female Teens Deficient in This Nutrient

💃 If you’re a nonpregnant woman or teen, listen up.

A study just published in JAMA found 40% of US females between the ages of 12 and 21 were deficient in iron 🩸

Why should you care?

Because screening for iron deficiency is not routine for this age group!

Guidelines in the US recommend screening for iron-deficient anemia every 5-10 years, but this recent study found that only 6% of the participants actually had anemia, compared with the 40% with iron deficiency.

⚠️ That means iron deficiency can exist WITHOUT anemia and can easily be missed by routine screenings.

What can we do?

The best way to test for iron deficiency is with a blood test for ferritin 🩸It’s a simple thing, but your provider needs to be proactive to order it and know how to interpret it.

In functional medicine, we aim for optimal levels on blood tests, which are not always the same as what’s considered “normal.” If ferritin levels are low, this can usually be corrected through dietary changes and supplementation.

Do you know what the most common symptom of iron deficiency is? Drop your guess in the comments and I’ll let you know.

↗️ Share to your stories to spread the word!


Weyand AC, Chaitoff A, Freed GL, Sholzberg M, Choi SW, McGann PT. Prevalence of Iron Deficiency and Iron-Deficiency Anemia in US Females Aged 12-21 Years, 2003-2020. JAMA. 2023;329(24):2191–2193. [link]