
Tired of Talking About Food? Try These Things.

For anyone wanting better blood sugar regulation ➡️

While foods have a big effect on blood sugar, so do other lifestyle choices! Here are 5 non-food-related ways to support healthy blood sugar balance:

✅ Daily Movement 🤸‍♀️

✅ Walks After Meals 🚶‍♀️

✅ 7+ Hours of Sleep 😴

✅ Plenty of Water 💧

✅ Stress Management 🧘‍♀️

Nothing happens in isolation.

That’s why we always take a whole-body, whole-person, and whole-life approach to healing.

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Blood Sugar Problems in the Family? Open Up.

Factors that influence blood sugar balance 👇

But first, if blood sugar problems run in your family, that does not mean you are destined for them too.

Genetics and age are admittedly 2 factors you cannot control.

But there are many other factors that also influence your risk for insulin resistance and blood sugar problems.

Factors you CAN control include:

✅ Diet

✅ Exercise

✅ Stress

✅ Hormones

✅ Sleep

When you tip the scales in your favor by optimizing these factors you can control…

…you set yourself up for a lifetime of health 🙌

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