
Tired of Talking About Food? Try These Things.

For anyone wanting better blood sugar regulation ➡️

While foods have a big effect on blood sugar, so do other lifestyle choices! Here are 5 non-food-related ways to support healthy blood sugar balance:

✅ Daily Movement 🤸‍♀️

✅ Walks After Meals 🚶‍♀️

✅ 7+ Hours of Sleep 😴

✅ Plenty of Water 💧

✅ Stress Management 🧘‍♀️

Nothing happens in isolation.

That’s why we always take a whole-body, whole-person, and whole-life approach to healing.

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Blood Sugar Problems in the Family? Open Up.

Factors that influence blood sugar balance 👇

But first, if blood sugar problems run in your family, that does not mean you are destined for them too.

Genetics and age are admittedly 2 factors you cannot control.

But there are many other factors that also influence your risk for insulin resistance and blood sugar problems.

Factors you CAN control include:

✅ Diet

✅ Exercise

✅ Stress

✅ Hormones

✅ Sleep

When you tip the scales in your favor by optimizing these factors you can control…

…you set yourself up for a lifetime of health 🙌

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Desk Stretches for Your Neck!

👋 Stop the scroll and try these now!

Most people sit with their neck forward for many hours a day—whether working at the computer or looking at their phone. 

Here are 3 quick stretches you can do to loosen your neck and train your muscles for better posture. 

1️⃣ Chin Tuck

Sit or stand tall with your shoulders down and your head facing forward. Lower your chin to your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat. 

2️⃣ Head Turn

Begin upright and facing forward. Turn to look over your right shoulder and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left side. 

3️⃣ Side Neck Stretch

Begin upright and facing forward. Lower your right ear to your right shoulder and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left side. 

If you tend to stay working at your desk for long hours with no break, set a reminder on your phone to do these exercises! 

You might just feel better by the end of the day.