nutrition tips

Nutrients Missing from Low-Carb Diets?

💥 🗞️ New Study!!

When compared with diets not restricting carbohydrates, low-carb diets may lead to nutrient depletions—especially of some B vitamins and magnesium.

This recent study found that some of the nutrient requirements not being met by low-carb diets included thiamine (vitamin B1), iron, calcium, magnesium, and selenium.

Red blood cell levels of thiamine were lower and low levels of magnesium were more common in people following a low-carb diet.

This is not medical advice.

This is just something to be aware of if you have chosen to follow a low-carb diet.

It is always best to make dietary changes under the guidance of a practitioner who understands nutrition, metabolism, and supplementation.

This is our specialty.

🌱 Get started at our practice through the link in our bio!

Churuangsuk C, Catchpole A, Talwar D, et al. Low thiamine status in adults following low-carbohydrate / ketogenic diets: a cross-sectional comparative study of micronutrient intake and status. Eur J Nutr. Published online July 5, 2024. [link]

One Way to Improve Digestion…

Here’s why you should learn mindful eating 👇👇

Did you know that it’s possible to support your digestion, lose weight more easily, stop eating when full, and enjoy your food more….

Just by mindful eating?

I’m not saying it’s easy (it will take some practice), but here are some tips:

➡️ Block off plenty of time to eat when you won’t be distracted (at least 20 minutes)

➡️ Set your phone aside and turn off notifications

➡️ Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and focus on enjoying the food

➡️ Check in with yourself to notice when you feel full

Sometimes we get caught up in the latest trends and flashy ways to improve our health, but focusing on the basics is often even more powerful.

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